I'm attempting to complete a collection of the General Radio Experimenter
magazines. While I'm missing quite a few issues, I also have a large number
of extra copies of various issues. Check out
K4OZY's Experimenter Collection
and send me mail at
if you'd like to trade.
I also have a large number of GR manuals. If you're interested in trading info, let me know! I've scanned a few of the manuals, as noted on the list; if you need a particular item on my list, let me know and I'll scan it as time permits. Any suggestions on scanning and image processing would be much appreciated.
Click here to see the list of manuals I have on hand.
The book entitled "A History of the General Radio Company" by Arthur E. Thiessen is an essential reference for the General Radio enthusiast, but it is also one of the most difficult to find technical books. It took several years of diligent searching before I found a copy. However, a fellow GR enthusiast, Dick Benson, scanned this book, performed some OCR magic upon it, and wrapped the scan into a pdf that's only 1.46 MB big. So, click here, fire up Acrobat reader, load up your printer, hit "PRINT", and you've got yourself a very nice copy of one of the rarest technical books in the world!
Several enthusiasts and former GR employees founded the General Radio Historical Society a few years back and built up a interesting list of downloadable information. It appears that the society has become defunct, unfortunately.
Nowadays, however, you can retrieve quite a bit of historical and technical information from IET Labs, Inc., which continues "In the GenRad Tradition" making high quality precision electrical measurement equipment. IET has taken on the Historical Society's technical pages at:
General Radio Historical Society Homepage @ ITE Labs <---Click here to check it out!